ASU Center for Child Well-Being (2016). Structured Supervision Handout
Common Reasoning Error and Microskill Answer Sheets
Criteria for Evaluating Clinical Practice Through Observation
Criteria for Evaluating Documentation
Hamilton (2009). Focused Case Supervision Format Handout
Self Evaluation Questions for Supervisors
Child Welfare Information Gateway: Supervising Child Welfare Services
National Child Welfare Workforce Institute
North Carolina's Child Welfare Social Workers Practice Notes: Supervision in Child Welfare
Landsman and D'Aunno (2012). Developing a Framework for Child Welfare Supervision.
Children's Bureau (2004). Supervising Child Protective Services Caseworkers.
National Association of Social Workers (2013). Standards for Social Work Practice in Child Welfare.
Lietz (2010). Critical Thinking in Child Welfare Supervision.
Bogo and Dil (2008). Walking the Tightrope: Using Power and Authority in Child Welfare Supervision.
Lietz and Rounds (2009). Strengths-Based Supervision: A Child Welfare Supervision Training Project.